Cavitation occurs frequently in both fluid and hydraulic machinery, and cavitation occurs from the blood flow to the turbine and the ship's propeller. Basic Process When local liquid flow pressure in the runner drops below a certain limit (current use of vaporization pressure), cavitation occurs in the liquid flow. These gas-filled or vapor-filled cavities rapidly expand, expand and prevail to high The pressure zone quickly condensed, collapse. At the same time accompanied by noise, vibration and even the erosion of the flow channel of the entire process known as cavitation phenomenon. If there is no cavitating nucleus in the liquid, the liquid can withstand a tension of 15000 atmospheres without cavitation. But in fact the water is not pure. Cavitation after birth, first with the pressure to reduce the expansion, into the high-pressure zone after 2-3 shrinkage - rebound expansion, cavitation, depression, the final liquid as a jet penetrate the vacuole. Impact velocity of micro jet may exceed 1000m / s. Bubble life cycle of about 0.003s. Bubble rupture accompanied by high temperature and pressure and other complex phenomena. Bubbles around the liquid temperature can be as high as 500-800 ℃. Pressure up to 10,000 atmospheres. At the same time, there is a kind of "sonic light".

Scorching Retarders

Actmix supplies the excellent retarder for natural and synthetic rubber, obviously delay the scorching time, but not affect the curing speed.

Curekind CTP(PVI) is a thioimide type, which is a white crystalline powder. It can play a better anti-scorch effect when used together with general accelerators, such as accelerators Curekind M/DM/TMTD, etc.; It acts as an anti-scorch agent, and when used together with an accelerator, it can also improve the production efficiency of calendering and extrusion.
Curekind Retarder E/C, ECO-friendly scorching inhibitor, which is non-polluting and non-discoloring. It can prolong the scorch time in the rubber compound and can be used in light-colored or white products. In the thiuram vulcanization system, it can also be used as the second accelerator to reduce the vulcanization time; in the EPDM rubber/reclaimed rubber, nitrile reclaimed rubber compound, it can increase the tensile stress and reduce the permanent compression deformation.

Scorching Retarders, ECO-friendly Rubber Scorching Retarder, High Performance Scorching Retarder E/C

Ningbo Actmix Rubber Chemicals Co.,Ltd. ,