Recently, the “Study on Automatic Testing of Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines” project undertaken by the General Research Institute of Iron and Steel passed an expert acceptance in Beijing.

The project team carried out research on electromagnetic ultrasonic flaw detection methods applicable to non-destructive testing of pipelines that penetrated into natural gas transmission pipelines. The waveforms and modes of electromagnetic guided waves suitable for pipeline inspections were selected, and the method of excitation of guided waves was determined. Signal processing methods, defect signal discrimination and analysis methods, and anti-jamming technologies were specifically developed and developed. Electromagnetic ultrasonic transducer for pipeline inspection. This equipment can be used not only for the detection of natural gas pipelines, but also for the inspection of other ferromagnetic materials.

Large Span Roll Forming Machine

Long Span Color Coated Corrugated Roofing Sheet Roll Forming Machine is formed by trailer type roller system device can be transported to the construction site to make continuous arch steel buildings. Various manufacturing plate device driven by electric hand stitched together operation stitching machine connect the panel together.

Roofing Tile Forming Machine,Large Span Roll Forming Machine,Long Span Roll Forming Machine,Long Span Forming Machine