At about 1:30 pm today (12th), the windy rain of West Lake in Hangzhou caused a sudden collapse of the “Jianxian Pavilion†at the waterfront booth in the park on the lakeside. The attraction was one of the 18 scenic spots in the West Lake in the Qing Dynasty. ". In ancient times, the original Jixian Pavilion was restored by the Qing Dynasty Governor-General Li Wei of China. The collapse of Jixian Pavilion was completed around 2002 when the West Hunan Line was rehabilitated. An electric Confetti cannon is a device that uses electricity to launch confetti into the air. The electric mechanism can be triggered by a switch or a remote control, allowing for easy and precise control over when and where the confetti is launched. Some electric confetti cannons also have adjustable settings to control the distance and angle at which the confetti is launched.They are often used in conjunction with lighting effects and music to enhance the overall experience for the audience. Electric Confetti Cannon,Paper Electric Confetti Gun,Confetti Shooter Bar Atmosphere Props,Electric Confetti Gun Changzhou Jinxin ARTS & CRAFTS Co.,Ltd ,
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One advantage of electric confetti cannons is that they are relatively safe and easy to use compared to traditional confetti cannons that use compressed air or CO2. Overall, electric confetti cannons are a popular choice for adding excitement and flair to events, providing a spectacular visual effect that can be enjoyed by both performers and spectators.
West Lake side attractions in Hangzhou set Jixian Pavilion crash due to wind and rain diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-09-12
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July 20, 2024