Frying is not just for your food, it may also be better for use on batteries. Korean researchers have discovered that by spraying highly conductive and stable graphene electrode material, the oxidizing solution drops into a very hot mixed acid, just as if you were immersed in oil. Although the resulting material is not delicious, their open three-dimensional structure makes them transfer charge better than ordinary graphene. Wire Rope For Textile Machine 5.5mm Wire Rope For Textile Machine 5.5mm,5.5mm Pa Coated Rope,Rope for Spinning Machine,Textile Machinery and Accessory Jiangyin Yunfeng Steel Wire Rope Products Co.,Ltd. ,
Other scientists have developed three-dimensional graphene that has similar energy capacitance. However, this method is more easily converted to mass production - it is simple, scales are easier to larger batches. So this will be the battery that you see for a while all based on this technique. Everything should be successful, but because of some carbon-based substances, the future of smart phones or electric cars may last longer.
August 21, 2024