The technical and economic indicators of the heap leaching project include both technical indicators and economic indicators. Technical indicators are used to measure the level of heap leaching technology, such as leaching rate, recovery rate, leaching back, labor hygiene conditions, and three wastes. The economic indicator is an indicator system for evaluating the economic effects of heap leaching projects. Such as metal per ton of production costs, labor productivity, number of years of investment recovery, investment rate of return. It should be pointed out that the technical indicators and economic indicators are interrelated and indivisible. Technical indicators are the basis of economic indicators, and economic indicators are a comprehensive reflection of technical indicators. Some parameters themselves are both technical indicators and economic indicators. For example, the amount of leaching agent consumed by a heap leaching enterprise for each ton of ore and the parameters such as electricity consumption and water consumption are technically used to measure the use of a company. The technical program, the important indicator of the technical level of technical measures, is also an important indicator for people to evaluate the economic effects of enterprises. Therefore, under normal circumstances, regardless of the feasibility study report of the project or the engineering design, the technical indicators and economic indicators are not listed separately, but all the technologies involved are listed one by one according to the procedures or according to the procedures of technical economic evaluation. And economic parameters constitute a unified technical and economic indicator system. The table below lists the main, not all, technical and economic indicators for the heap leaching project. These indicators can be obtained through trial or research studies, or can be selected through similar engineering projects. Table Main technical and economic indicators of heap leaching enterprises Serial number Indicator name unit Serial number Indicator name unit 1 Enterprise service life a 13 Power consumption kWh∕t mine, kWh∕a 2 Ore processing capacity T∕d,t∕a 14 Water consumption T∕t mine, t∕a 3 Ore grade %,g∕t 15 Product output T∕a 4 Ore size -mm 16 Labor productivity t mine (person·a) kg product 人 (person·a) 5 Tail slag grade %,g∕t 17 Total investment Ten thousand yuan 6 Leaching cycle d 18 Unit investment indicator 10,000 yuan ∕kg products million yuan ∕ t products 7 Spray strength m 3 ∕(h·m 2 ) m 3 ∕(d·m 2 ) 19 Processing cost Yuanxiao t mine 8 Spray time Spray h∕d, stop h∕d 20 Product Cost 10,000 yuan ∕kg products million yuan ∕ t products 9 Leach rate % twenty one Quota circulation d 10 Leaching back % twenty two Loan repayment period a 11 Recovery rate % twenty three Investment profit rate % 12 Leaching agent consumption Kg∕t mine, t∕a twenty four Input-output ratio % In addition, the peak concentration Cp of the main metal in the leachate, the minimum economic concentration Cmn, and the average concentration Cav are three technical indicators unique to natural leaching such as heap leaching. Any one of the heap leaching test reports will give the main metal concentration. The curve of time variation, which is the curve and value reflecting the nature of heap leaching. Therefore, foreign countries began to use the indicators obtained by this curve (Cp, Cmn, Cav) for technical and economic evaluation.
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In addition to the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprises listed in the above table, the indicators of social and environmental benefits of a heap leaching enterprise include 1 employment, 2 land acquisition area, 3 external transportation total, 4 wastewater discharge, and 5 waste output. Wait.
November 12, 2019