In the urban development of China, the new population in the city continues to increase, and the scale of the city expands. Every day, cities will produce a lot of garbage-polluting cities. How urban waste is treated or becomes a problem that hampers urban development and urbanization. In addition, the urban garbage project requires the use of a large number of suction trucks. Since it has been put into the market, it has been favored by the energy departments at all levels and the majority of farmers, and has also promoted the development of the city. In addition to the use of suction trucks at all levels of the relevant energy sector and the sanitation department, individual operations make money and farmhouses clean up their own septic tanks, so some people call this sanitation suction truck as a household suction truck or a farm septic tank. Cars, also known as toilet suction vehicles, excrement vehicles. In the past two years, the sales of special suction trucks have become popular, and it is not the Urban Sanitation Department or the small agricultural households that lift the heads. The individuals who purchase the suction trucks at the most are the individual business sanitation cleaning teams. They have professional pumping truck fleets and general sewage suction. Sewer dredge service is one-stop. They have a wide range of jobs, good social relationships, so they may receive multiple jobs that look dirty and make money. Most of the people who buy a suction truck are going to talk about how to charge for such a job. Generally speaking, for a 2 to 5 tons, a car will invest 20,000 yuan, but the minimum charge for a can of manure is between 150 and 600 yuan, and the livelihoods are better at around 8 to 10 cans per day. We can carefully count their income. In addition, this is only the cost of pumping. If a row of farmers or fish ponds is to be excreted, it can be normal for one can to earn tens of thousands of dollars in accidents; Is the cost of the car, with a declaration of exemption, the additional cost of car do not have to pay, depends on how much you pay insurance costs, usually is in addition to point oil money, the rest is to make. The increase in national policy support and the gradual improvement of the external environment, especially as the state increases investment in the development of rural social undertakings, the supplier's suction truck industry is an expectation of an outbreak of demand, not only to help suppliers. The suction truck industry has come out of the doldrums, and it has also allowed some farmers to get out of poverty without buying some cheap suction trucks. As a result, rural areas and cities are more beautiful. The suction truck vacuum suction pump is widely used for suction, shipment, and discharge of sludge from sewage wells, inspection wells, sedimentation wells, and various types of canals, sludge from excrements, or petrochemical plant effluent pools. The dirt in the tank can be dumped directly through the rear cover, which has the advantages of greater suction force than the suction truck and wider application range. Suction truck maintenance is also relatively simple, in use, with the increase in mileage. All components are subject to wear, deformation fatigue, looseness, aging, and damage, resulting in deterioration of the vehicle's technical performance, impairing the drivability of the suction truck, deteriorating economic efficiency, and reducing safety and reliability. If, during use, the items of wear, looseness, contamination, and prone to faults are grouped together according to the conditions of use and wear of the vehicle, and lubrication, adjustment, inspection, tightening, and other maintenance operations are performed in stages and in stages, they can be Improve the working conditions of all parts, reduce wear and tear, eliminate hidden dangers, reduce transportation costs, ensure safe driving, and extend the service life of the suction truck. Therefore, vehicle maintenance should be based on the principles of prevention and mandatory maintenance, and maintain the cleanliness of the vehicle. To detect and eliminate faults and hidden dangers in time to prevent early damage to the vehicle. This will ensure that the tank is airtight and that the manure suction operation is performed in the best condition. Suction trucks can also be used in a single vehicle, not only for sucking large excrements but also to convert them into multi-purpose vehicles for use elsewhere. For example, we can use suction trucks to increase the function of water trucks. Suction trucks mainly consist of automobile chassis, tanks and suction equipment. The original 8-body tank of the suction truck was changed to two 4-way tanks. The water tank in front was oval, and the water pump, pipe network, fire hydrant, water inlet, front punch, and high position were installed below the tank. Showers and other functions. The manure trap tank body also uses an oval tank body, which is inclined upwards from a small point of view. A vacuum suction manure pump is installed below, and a manure inlet is arranged on the tank body, and a manure outlet is provided at the rear of the tank body. The whole suction truck has two sets of its own pipe network, which can be operated independently when manure and water are collected. The owner of the suction truck can be used to organize the septic tanks and sewers in the community, as well as beautify the spraying work, so that we are not only The inhalation of manure is used to attract manure, and it can also be used to transport water, making it more economical and applicable to use a suction truck. In addition, we can also convert it into a sewage truck, which is economical and affordable. Now people's lives are getting higher and higher, the quality of environmental protection has been promoted, rural excrement does not want to pick, the city wants to taste a small benefit is even higher, the special suction truck function is most suitable, multi-functional suction trucks buy back cleaning septic The pool does not have to use artificial rakes. It is of course good to buy back money in the form. Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, the level of urbanization is also getting higher and higher. The suction truck is not only used in rural areas but also can be used for the purchase of clean business for contracting environmental protection departments in cities, which greatly increases the efficiency and reduces the cost for urbanization. Building bricks and tiles. (Text / Kang Shaowu) Airless Spray Bottle,Airless Vacuum Pump Bottle,Airless Pumps For Cosmetics,Airless Pump Cosmetic Packaging Guangzhou Harvest Plastic Products Co., Ltd ,
March 08, 2024