First, the determination of the weight of the sample

At different particle sizes, the minimum weight of the sample necessary to ensure the representativeness of the sample can be expressed by the following empirical formula: Q = Kd 2 where Q- is the minimum weight of the sample necessary to ensure the representativeness of the sample; d- The particle size of the largest block in the sample is mm; when the K- gold particle is <0.1 mm, it is to 0.6 mm, and when it is 0.4>0.6 mm, it is 0.8 to 1.

Second, the sampling method

(1) Sampling of nuggets (including fine materials)

1. Draw sampling method When using a small mine car to transport ore, a sampling method can be used. Every 5-10 cars, the car is taken as a sample, and the number of intervals depends on the total number of cars transported.

2. Intercept method continuously or periodically taken of the material in motion (e.g., mineral stream belt conveyor, crusher setting the flip, etc.) - as part of the ore. Divided into downstream interception and lateral cutoff interception method. Because the transverse flow interception method is to take a substantially equal amount of material as a sample at the same interval, and intercept the entire section of the material, the representative is higher than the downstream flow intercept method, and the quantity is better than the downstream flow intercept method. is widely used.

(2) Sampling of flowing pulp The slurry is usually taken at the drop of the slurry transfer. The section is intercepted to intercept the whole section (such as overflow gully, chute, etc.), but not in the container, the sampling interval is the same. For 30-120 min, the total sampling time is at least 1-3 consecutive shifts.

(3) Liquid sampled liquid Generally refers to the precious liquid, poor liquid and washing liquid produced in the production.

1. The siphon method continuously sucks the sample from the container with a siphon and adjusts and controls the sample amount as needed.

2. Sampling Method Sampling Samples are taken directly from the launder or container using a sampling spoon.

Third, the preparation of the sample

The preparation of the sample must meet the requirements of the purpose of the production while ensuring the representativeness of the sample. For example, the particle size of the retreading re-election is 6-12 mm, and the particle size required for flotation and cyanidation is -3 mm. The sample to be processed into the intended sample needs to be crushed, sieved, mixed and shrunk. According to the purpose of sample processing, the sample processing flow is formulated. Mixing and shrinking the sample after crushing and sieving is an important part of ensuring the representativeness of the sample.

(1) Mixing and mixing is the key link to ensure the representativeness of the shrinkage. Commonly used are the stacking cone method and the rolling method. Before the sample is mixed, the sample must be dried and allowed to cool naturally.

1. The pile cone method is mainly used for ore samples with a particle size of less than 100 mm. If there is a grain size greater than 100 mm in the ore sample, the part of the ore sample may be selected and crushed to below 100 mm for the pile cone. And cone stack is stacked sample was formed with the iron spade tapered cone stack each time, the required material to the apex of the cone, so that the material uniformly slide down from the top of the cone. After stacking well-time, change the place again in the above-mentioned way to pile-time, repeat three times, and then use the quartering or dichotomy to narrow down.

2. Rolling method This method is used for samples with less mineral content and particle size less than 3mm. The method is to place the sample on a square plastic cloth or tape, and then join the corners together, let the sample roll repeatedly on the cloth several times, each time rolling the sample over the diagonal line, put down - pay diagonally, take From the other side, the above method is repeated, so that the repetition is repeated 10 times or more. After mixing, use the quadruple method or the square method to reduce the score.

(2) Before the shrinkage of the ore sample to be mixed, the weight should always meet the requirement of Q=Kd 2 , and the final sample weight after the shrinkage should be determined according to the application and particle size requirements. If the particle size does not meet the requirements, it is necessary to further break and grind. When shrinking, the sample should be separated at the coarsest possible particle size so that samples of different particle sizes can be prepared again in the future, while preventing oxidation of the sample during storage. The commonly used methods of shrinking are as follows:

1. The sample is mixed by a quartering method and then piled into a cone, and then pressed into a round cake shape, and then the round cake is divided into four equal portions by a cross plate, and the two diagonal pieces are combined into one sample.

2. The dichotomy is done by a binary. This method is mainly used for the shrinkage of ore samples with a quantity of less than 3 mm and a large number of ore. The binary is accurate and fast.

3. Grid method This method is suitable for finer materials (-typically below 0.3mm). The method first mixes the minerals, piles the cones, flattens them, and divides them into many small squares, and then uses a flat shovel or a horn spoon to pick up the grid. It should be noted that the grid should be evenly divided, and the amount of meditation should be roughly equal for each grid, and the average should be averaged.

Iron Recycling Machine

For iron scraps, whether it's turnings, chips, filings, shavings, cuttings, sawdust, drillings, borings, debris, granules or sludge, Ecohydraulic iron recycling machine can help. If your scraps are small chips, you can choose our Iron Briquette Machine to press your chips to be small blocks. If your scraps are shavings or turnings, you can choose our Iron Baler to press your chips to be square bales, if your scraps are big like pipe tube sheet plate rebar, etc., you can choose our iron shear to cut your scraps to be smaller pieces.

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