
Nepungan anjeun di paméran Automechanika Shanghai!

Automechanika Shanghai 2017
Booth NO .: 3F68 di Aula 3
Tanggal: kaping 29 Nov - 2nd Dec 2017
Tambahkeun: Pameran Nasional sarta Convention Center (Shanghai), Cina.
Website: http://

Waktos flies, Automechanika Shanghai 2017 baris muka lawang taun ngan dua minggu! Automechanika Shanghai nyaeta panggedena Asia dagang adil dedicated ka otomotif bagian, asesoris, alat-alat na jasa. Taun ieu, adil diperkirakeun ngabagéakeun sabudeureun 6.000 exhibitors ti 42 nagara jeung wewengkon, sarta bakal imah sababaraha advancements panganyarna ti duanana teh industri otomotif global jeung domestik. Dilaksanakeun ti 29 Nopémber - 2 Désémber 2017 di Pameran Nasional sarta Convention Center di Shanghai, Cina, adil bakal muka lawang -na pikeun sabudeureun 130,000 datang sarta pamaén konci ti industri otomotif. acara geus diwangun reputasi salaku 'kedah-hadir' acara industri acclaimed pikeun ukar informasi, pamasaran, dagang jeung pangajaran, porsi ruang lingkup industri otomotif ti Bagian & komponén, ngalereskeun & Purwokerto, Asesoris & Nyieun husus sarta Electronics & Systems.

Cina-Lutong téh bungah ngembarkeun yen urang nuju bade Shanghai dina bulan Nopémber pikeun ilubiung dina Automechanika Shanghai 2017. Jumlah stan kami téh 3F68 di Aula 3. Cina-Lutong mangrupakeun salah sahiji suppliers unggulan sistem suntik suluh engine kandaraan sareng komponenana patali di Cina, jeung leuwih ti 30 taun pangalaman, Cina Lutong teh pamimpin di aftermarket otomotif. Anjeun warmly wilujeng sumping nganjang 3F68 stan kami di Aula 3.

China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include plunger barrel,Control Valve, Injectors,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.

Automechanika Shanghai, Automechanika kadua panglobana di dunya dagang adil pikeun otomotif bagian, asesoris, alat-alat na jasa. Némbongkeun ngawengku rupa vast bagian mesin Diesel kaasup Kepala rotor (ve bagian pompa), nozzle, Diesel Plunger / Unsur, Taliwang klep, Control klep, ilahar Rail Nozzles, Cam piringan, ngalereskeun kit, Gebang Kongrés, sarta ve Kongrés jsb ieu produk nu dijieun sasuai jeung standar internasional migunakeun bahan baku kelas pang luhur na téhnologi motong-ujung. Alatan finish lemes maranéhanana, konstruksi kaku sarta hirup layanan panjang, rentang kami ditawarkeun ieu kacida ngaapresiasi ku klien berharga urang. kaahlian teknis, jasa kami customer-responsif sarta komitmen ka pamutahiran kontinyu, dijieun ku investasi sustained, bakal mastikeun reputasi Cina Lutong urang keur dipercaya, kualitas luhur, produk inovatif baris nuluykeun.

Kami néangan maju ka ningali anjeun dina Automechanika Shanghai 2017!

Screw Conveyor&Compactor

Spirals are mainly used for stirring, mixing and other functions in pipeline transportation. The spiral surface of the screw conveyor has a solid spiral surface. , belt spiral surface and blade spiral surface transparent form.

The cold rolling mill is an advanced equipment that continuously rolls blades from strip steel. By adjusting the position (roll offset, feed height, roll pressure, guide wheel, etc.), it can roll out blades of various specifications required.
Advantages of cold rolling layout:

It has the advantages of high production efficiency, saving raw materials, good blade quality, high hole diameter, and good wear resistance.

The structures that affect the rolling shape include the material and thickness of the strip, the offset of the roll, the feeding height, the rolling force of the roll, the different specifications of the guide wheels and blades, and the increase in the temperature of the roll during the rolling process. After years of construction, the contract developed this continuous cold-rolled propeller, which has the advantages of smooth surface, high hardness, wear resistance, one-time forming, and continuous no welds.7bcf4c65b946f425c5adfa839d92516

Screw Conveyor&Compactor,Quality Screw Machine,Automatic Conveying Feeder,Shaftless Screw Machine

Wuxi Feiyiya Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. ,