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Since January 2016, three regulations will be implemented. Compared with the one-off rule, ships engaged in international navigation are obliged to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 80% in specific sea areas. It will also gradually strengthen carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide emissions regulations. Kawasaki Heavy Industries has decided to develop a gas engine for ships because of the increasing expectations of the main engine that is easy to comply with various environmental regulations.
Before the development of the marine gas engine, Kawasaki Heavy Industries developed its own gas engine for power generation and placed it in the distributed power generation market such as small and medium-sized power plants and self-powered equipment.
It is understood that Kawasaki Heavy Industries' gas-fired power generation machine achieves the world's highest power generation efficiency (49.0%), while nitrogen oxide emissions will also be less than 200ppm (oxygen = 0% conversion), about 10% of diesel engines, even It is also possible to satisfy the three-time regulation without using a special device such as a denitrification device. In addition, because the gas engine is fueled by natural gas, compared with a diesel engine that uses C heavy oil as a fuel, carbon dioxide emissions are small, and sulfur oxides are hardly emitted.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries is scheduled to complete a test machine for approximately 2.5 MW (6-cylinder) marine gas engines in fiscal year 2013 (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014). The output power range of 8 MW (5 to 18 cylinders) is put into the market in turn.
According to Japanese media reports, Kawasaki Heavy Industries has started to develop a marine gas engine that meets the requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) three times, and develops a marine gas engine for a main engine with a large output (2 MW or more). This is in Japan. It is the first time.
November 07, 2023