On the 19th, Chongqing Jiangbei Guanyin Bridge Pedestrian Street, fat men and men passed by the sea to beg the pedestrians on the street. According to the Bohai Sea legend, he is 25 years old, 1.65 meters tall and 394 pounds in weight. He can eat three pounds of meat and drink long meat. He is begging for money to lose weight. The urban management team saw the inconvenience of the sea pass and advised him to go to the rescue station. The fat man and the sea pass insisted on begging. The two city management team followed the “escort†and feared that the obese man was in an accident. Ring Forging & Forged Steel Ring Part Ring Forging & Forged Steel Ring Part,Ring Forging,Forged Steel Ring Part,Forged Steel Ring Jiangyin Golden Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd , https://www.goldenforgingmetal.com
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Chongqing 394 pounds of men for money to lose weight said drinking water long diesel generator | diesel generator price / 2012-12-20
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November 14, 2023