1, pay attention to the detection and purification of indoor air. According to the level of formaldehyde pollution in the indoor air, experts are requested to provide effective treatment programs, especially for families with elderly people, children, and allergic constitutions.
2. Wardrobe made with man-made panels, such as formaldehyde is not cleared, must be used when using, try not to put underwear, pajamas and children's clothing on it.
3, take some effective purification measures in the room and furniture, can reduce the harmful gases released by the furniture.
Investigation of Formaldehyde Excessive Status In August 2001, the Consumers Association announced an astonishing survey result. After sampling indoor air samples in Beijing and Hangzhou, they showed that the formaldehyde levels exceeded 73.3% and 79.1%, respectively. Over 40 times more than the standard.
The testing department conducted air quality tests on 9 furniture cities in the Beijing area last year. Spot checks found that the average value of formaldehyde detection exceeded the standard of public places by 3.3 times. The maximum value was 15.8 times higher than the hygienic standard of public places, and the sample exceeding the standard rate was 98% respectively.
In July 2001, the health department of Hefei City reported the results of the monitoring of the office and room air at the 15 monitoring points in the city: The test results of formaldehyde all exceeded the standard and reached a maximum of 85 times. Indoor air pollution is alarming.
The decoration of Hefei City Industrial and Engineering Co., Ltd.'s Oita Branch Office has been for 15 months. However, the two offices have been accompanied by odors and often found a large number of death worms. Workers have also repeatedly reported symptoms such as tears, sore throat, chest tightness, and headaches. The monitoring results showed that the office's formaldehyde exceeded 45 times and exceeded 29 times.
According to a staff member surnamed Qian of the Nanjing Indoor Environment Monitoring Center, the center was set up two months ago to meet the citizens' demands. A total of 30 newly renovated houses in Nanjing were monitored. Few of them could fully meet the requirements of the Chinese health system. Standard indoor environmental standards, the most important issue is excessive formaldehyde, up to 40 times the maximum.

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