The screen operation is easy, the maintenance is convenient, the investment is small, and the production cost is low. The air cleaning cost of the five bridge screens is only equivalent to the cleaning cost of one vibrating screen. 3. Desorbing cyanide pulp plus activated carbon to absorb the gold-bearing charcoal produced by gold, after washing and removing wood chips and other impurities, it is sent to desorb gold and silver . A panker developed in South Africa (Fig. 8) is particularly effective in removing wood chips from wood chips containing 13.8% of wood chips. It has been widely used for processing from Sweco screens. The precipitated wood chips contain gold charcoal. An 28-mesh screen of EPAC for wood chips and sundries developed by the Mintec plant in South Africa is of the same type as the immersion screen of Figure 7. It is also installed on the side of the tank for static operation for treating the slurry entering the adsorption tank. Due to the presence of a bubble curtain on the screen surface, the wood chips, fibers and coarse particles filtered on the 28 mesh screen surface can be kept loose and not adhered to the screen surface. Its structure and operation process are shown in Figure 9. The adsorption of gold (silver) by activated carbon is an exothermic reaction. The higher the temperature of the slurry, the smaller the capacity of carbon adsorption to gold. This property becomes the basis of the high-temperature desorption (elution) process of gold on gold. According to the test of AH Grabowski, etc.: Ay-50 loaded gold charcoal under dynamic conditions, using 0.1% NaCN and 0.4% NaOH as desorbent, gold and silver at different temperatures at 50, 70 and 93 °C The desorption curve is shown in Figure 10. Other injection molding machines such as thermosetting plastics, structural foaming, multi-component, reactive, exhaust injection molding machines, refers to the processed materials and machine structure characteristics are different from ordinary plastic injection molding machines. About 30% of plastic raw materials are used for injection molding in the world, and injection molding machines account for about 40% of the total production of plastic machinery, and has become an important part of the plastic processing industry and plastic machinery industry, is one of the fastest growing plastic machinery products, varieties, specifications, production of the largest number of machines. Automatic Feeding Machine,Auto Feeder Machine,Automatic Bar Feeder,Automatic Bar Feeder For Cnc Lathe Ningbo Haijing Plastic Machine Manufacturing Co. LTD ,
3) Immersion Screen The immersion screen, also known as the Balanced Pressure Air Screen (EPAC), is shown in Figure 7. It is a 20 mesh screen designed by Mintak, South Africa. Because the screen is not cleaned by compressed air, the blower is used to supply air, and the wind pressure is small and balanced. There is a bubble curtain on the screen surface, which can effectively overcome the adhesion of wood chips, fibers and coarse particles to the screen surface. Prevent the blockage of the screen surface and reduce the wear of the carbon. The sieve structure is simple, the operation is convenient, and the construction investment is small. Moreover, the carbon slurry tanks can be arranged at the same level without having to be arranged in a step like a bridge screen, so that it is superior to the bridge screen and the peripheral screen, and has been widely used in a carbon slurry processing plant. Besa South Africa (Beisa) processing plant, the carbon slurry tank is mounted on the immersion sieve containing uranium 1.38kg / t, gold 3.7g / t of ore in the slurry is added to the sulfuric acid leaching of uranium oxide, using a belt filter output The filter cake is subjected to cyanidation and gold extraction. The immersion screen is mounted on the side of the tank for static operation. When the sieve length is 1 m, the immersion depth is 0.5 m, the carbon concentration is 25 g/L, and the air flow rate is 1000 L/min, the slurry flow rate through the sieve surface is 1000 L/min. If four immersion sieves of this size are installed in one tank, the daily treated slurry can reach 3000~4000t (solid), and the monthly treated ore can reach 100,000 tons. [next]
April 27, 2023